Monday, 11 January 2010

When Christmas came to Follyville

When Christmas came to Follyville it was a total cock-up.
The executive directors should be sent straight to the lock-up.
We had to move from Office One across to Office Two
the same day that the plumber was there taking out the loo!

We didn't have sufficient crates to pack up all our stuff
and by the time we got to Office Two we'd all had quite enough.
We had no seats to sit upon, unless you got in early,
but "more are coming soon", they said, "we hope" ......... "they must do - surely?"

There were no shelves on which to put the content of our boxes.
We'd better dump them all outside to amuse the local foxes.
The noise in here is quite intense. In fact, it's almost nearing
the levels in a poutry shed used for intensive rearing.

I'll have to go and work from home - the buggers have won the battle.
I'll work far more effectively ..... just miss the tittle-tattle!

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