Thursday, 30 April 2020

Social Distancing in the Church of England

Despite the fact that the term "Social Distancing" has only been coined in the last few months, Martyn Percy reports in this week's Church Times that the Church of England has been practising it since 1662.

He refers to the Sunday 8.00am Book of Common Prayer eucharist -
"Minimal eye contact with your neighbour. Sit at the back of the church and apart from others, ideally in your own designated pew, despite there being plenty of room at the front. No exchange of the Peace or any other awkward gesture or unnecessary physical proximity is required. A nod to the priest when you leave, perhaps - no handshake, lest one be corralled into a rota for making the coffee or mowing the churchyard."

By this continued ritual the church consecrates social distancing at the beginning of every week.

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